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Study 13: Teach them to obey


Ask God to give you people who you are discipling


Take ten minutes to review how you are getting on with the actions you have commited to so far. Think about the following question:

  • Am I doing what I committed to doing?
  • How is it going?
  • Who am I discipling?


“Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age”

Matthew 28: 20 (NLT)


  • What does this verse tell me about Jesus?
  • What does this verse tell me about myself?

Jesus definition of teaching is different to that of much of today's church. The measure of what is being taught comes not from knowledge but from obedience to his commands. And as we have seen over the last twelve sessions, the way he taught was more through practical experience than through sermons.

Practice: Discipleship

  • Teaching people to be disciples in practice not just in theory
  • Taking people with us on the journey as we become disciples ourselves


Reflecting on the practice and the questions below write down at least one thing you will do (or stop doing) this week

  • How do I turn knowledge into obedience?
  • Who is discipling me?
  • Who should I be discipling this week?


If you are doing this in a group share your action statements and pray for each other. If you are doing this on your own we strongly recomend you share with at least one other person

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