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Study 9: Heal the sick


Ask God to give you the Holy Spirit and enable you to heal the sick


Take ten minutes to review how you are getting on with the actions you have commited to so far. Think about the following question:

  • Am I doing what I committed to doing?
  • How is it going?
  • Am I seeing my personal discipleship growing?


“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons”

Matthew 10: 8 (NLT)


  • What does this verse tell me about Jesus?
  • What does this verse tell me about myself?

Not only were miracles an integral part of Jesus' ministry, but they were part of his disciples' experience too.

Notice that Jesus does not instruct his disciples to pray for the sick. He tells them to heal the sick. Contrast this with Jesus descriptions of mountain-moving prayer in Matthew 17: 19-20 and 21: 21-22.

Practice: Healing the Sick

  • Asking the Holy Spirit for the gift of healing
  • Proclaiming healing and wholeness over the sick


Reflecting on the practice and the questions below write down at least one thing you will do (or stop doing) this week

  • What would it take for me to lay hands on someone and declare healing?
  • How will you incorporate healing in your disciple-making?


If you are doing this in a group share your action statements and pray for each other. If you are doing this on your own we strongly recomend you share with at least one other person

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